Saturday, December 15, 2007
College Life
Am just waiting for an opportunity to put my practice work on the net so that every one can admire it.
Friday, November 16, 2007
The return to Motherland
I have been painting my body with different colours and its quite fun. I'll surely post some the pictures on the net in the near future. Created some characters using vegetables also. All pictures will be posted at the earliest.
So keep in touch.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
How'd I reach here suddenly ?
And the sad part is 3 days are all ready over.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Looking at Dubai
In Dubai :
Construction Company : Sir, we have finished the fly over.
Sheik : Ok! what are you waiting for??? Start the next one.
In India :
Construction Company : Sir, we have finished the fly over.
Minister- in-Charge : Ok! Thank God. Now lets party.
Now thats the difference between India and Dubai.
How dumb can it get ??!!
Now seriously, how dumb can it get ??
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Back In Dubai
Seminar on VisualFX
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Gesture Drawing
Friday, October 26, 2007
A Walk on Himalaya's

The experience took place in north India which involved Delhi, our first and last stop, Himachal Pradesh, where the trek was held and it was been organized by YHAI, India. Our (my brother's and myself) trip started on May 9th of 2007 with both of us meeting up in Delhi. I was traveling from Bangalore and my brother traveling from Hyderabad. We had problem during the start of the trek due to some misplacement of some records and we had to check it up with the organization. So walking around in Delhi not knowing where we are going and at last end up at the right location with the help of a lot of people. Finishing the official matters in about half an hour, we were told to go to a place called kullu which was our base camp for the trek. We left the place immediately and scrambled to the Delhi main bus stand to find out that our bus leaves at 6.30 pm. We wasted the time walking around with our trekking gear in that amazing heat of Delhi till then.
The bus luckily was on time and it was off to our location. Since we were pretty much exhausted we managed to sleep of in the rocky bus.

The trek started of on the 3rd day of our arrival. The trip to the our start point was amazing cause it was the first time that I had been on top of a bus. The trek that day was pretty much tiring just for the fact that the route was taking us 'up and down' and nothing more or less. The camp, Guna Panni, was pretty nice with the food given also pretty well. We tried star gazing that day but unfortunately we were disturbed by hovering clouds. The next day we get up early, do a lot of bird watching and recharging our camera batteries. We start of to our next camp and that was Faul Panni. The trip to there was splendid just for the reason of its scenery. We always stopped for our lunch break and our daily stops for water and stuff were always there. We reached out next camp pretty before schedule so we had to wait out side till it was time. The camp was on the slope of a hill so we were sleeping in a slanted way. I slept of pretty early on that day. The next thing I remember was that I was on the other side of the tent. It was a pretty funny scene that day.
Our journey to the next camp was okay and very tiring just for the fact that we had to climb steep hills. We had a good time there and a pretty nice one holding cow skull.
This day was the best day of the whole trek and you'll find out in a moment.
The next day we had a bit of rain and went past a bit of snow patches and it was nice .The fun part was pretty nice. I almost losing my glasses in the middle also had a part to play in the trek. Now is the best part. We stop for lunch. Everyone takes there Tiffin boxes outside. The scene completely changes with pitch black atmosphere all round. The guide, who was responsible for us, told us take cover since there was a storm coming by. We sit with our backs against the storm. Suddenly snow appears out of the blue. After a while hail pieces turns up. We take cover near the bushes. After a while of getting our senses back together, the guide tells us the storm is far away from finish and we will have to walk through it. We start moving cautiously. We start having snow on the way. With the hail and snow coming heavily on us, we see people slipping down. We move even more cautiously. Most of the weaker gender start breaking up and saying ' No, we can't do' and the line repeated almost every where with a little modification here and there. Then people like me and myself came to the rescue, guided the people through the whole journey. Unfortunately carried their rucksack’s (trekking gear) and completely exhausted, reached the pit stop with absolutely no power left. The scene turned worse with four of the tents had been brought down. I must say a big thanks to the YHAI people who were quite ready for this type of situation and quite prepared. They made two big camp fires and along with that they brought in hot soups and tea to cool us down. They even managed to bring up 2 of the fallen tents up. The day was pretty drastic with the ladies fully psyched out and all of them still crying. The day ended pretty early cause the next day we had to start of by 4.00 am just to miss out on the sun rising. That's cause if we travel with the sun up, the snow would have melted and it would be very slippery.
The next day, I led the way because I was sure that if yesterday's situation happened again then I would never have completed. So why take tension, lead the way. The snow was beautiful. Another reason I like it was because it was beautiful. That’s it. We passed 75% of our way pretty easily with me slipping around here and there. But the last part was horrible. We had to climb a steep mountain and wait there. Man it was exhausting. I reached up and slept there just like that. People woke me up just for the reason that I might lose balance during sleep and trip of the mountain. The next part was awesome. We come down the steep mountain sliding. Damn! That was cool. With that speed and that velocity. It was better than the wildest rides in the best water park. We then continued our trek with me sleeping half the time. The rest of the trek was pretty sad just for the reason that all fun just got over. We had a few cricket matches in the last trek with some koko game also and story telling time also in the middle but leaving that it was not that great.
All n all I would say
'I Enjoyed the trek'
Here are some links to those amazing photo's :
Whats the difference between telling a story and scripting a story?
I really want to know because in the last two stories I had the intention to narrate the story rather than scripting it and I pretty much scrippted it only.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
A Choice To Be Made
The sun is setting and the orange sky is been prettily shown. A person named Mike is with his backpack and his gear along with his camera exploring in a forest. Suddenly he comes to fork which divides his path into 2 different ways. He stands silently glancing on both these roads. He looks deeps until he finds a bent in his first option, grabs his camera and starts taking some photos of that road. He then glances down his second option and takes some photos of this road also. He is more satisfied with his second option just for the reason of seeing a lot of scatted dry leaves and that to in lump. It makes him think that the second option is not been used mostly and since he's explorer it would be a better option.
The sun sets during this time and its pitch black. He camps there, on that fork for the night.
Next day he gets up pretty early to analyze both his options. He analyses them both and again takes some photo using his camera. He comes to a conclusion to take the second option because of the feeling that it might more adventurous. He then takes a look at his digital display in his camera. We zoom to the digital display and when it zooms out we see that a grandfather (Mike), who is very prosperous in life, is showing his grandchildren the photos. He keeps murmuring the 'road less taken had made all the difference'. We again show the photos and we zoom into the camera and the photo becomes alive, we see Mike walking down the path. Credits Roll Out.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
THe 3000 Meters
Long Time No Blog
Another Thing is that, I always want to be felt wanted and now days nothing like that is happening. To just feel wanted, I voluntarily went to help one of the production team to shoot some scenes and I ended up messing up their whole project. Seriously, I don’t get it. I just feel that I am unwanted. Why?
Another thing is that my house which is still under construction doesn’t have continuous electricity and they haven’t finished the work at my home. So I am bit lot pissed.
So live and let Live.
The afterMath Of WaRs
It would start of with full fledged dance and party for the occasion of the war won by that place. Then the focus would be on a group of soldiers (the only soldiers present there). These soldiers are sad, petrified, by the aftermath of the war, but still are just acting like they are having fun. Then scene zooms into one of the soldier’s eyes whose name is Mark in which it would show a war scene where an enemy shoots and it just passes by Mark’s ears and hits another soldier who was the best friend of Mark. Then the scene goes in slow motion ,the friend dying. The scene zooms in to the dying friends eyes, in which we see all red blooded, fun filled, full of life just waiting to sign up for being a soldier. This is because they are proud to represent their country in a war. We then see that Mark and his dying friend (at that time) posing with full joy for a picture just taken for remembrance. Suddenly the scene zooms out and we see the eye lids of the dying soldier closing and Mark, who is shocked, burst out all the bullets he's got, kills the enemy, runs to his dead friend, grabs him before he falls and holds him on his knees .He blinks. When he closes his eye lid for blinking, the scene changes from the war back drop to the group of soldiers in the party and then finally to the whole party. Credits Roll Out.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Hectic Time going on...
Its been a very hectic and very busy time for me. Lot of home work like creating a story board for a story, doing 300 sketches, doing 3 object studies, writing essays and a lot of other stuff also. In the middle of all of this there was a college activity day and i participated in the it for gaming and we luckily won. Another thing is that there is no stable current in my house. It goes around 8 in morning and is put back at 6.30 in the evening. So right now in my life there's a lot of happiness and sadness.
Its like how they say...
Everything is fair in love and war
Monday, October 1, 2007
The ComeBack
Anyways college life is good. We watch movies daily which is quite boring because we see only olden historic movies(If it were new then I would die to watch them). And the rest of the time we scribble our whole time. Its quite fun.
About two week back we made Optical Toys. They are instruments that were used in olden times to animate. There are different types of them and we made a Phenakistoscope and a Tharmatrope. Pretty interesting stuff and very exticiting to do as it just feels like recreating history. Nothing much has been happening since then .Will keep updating as regular as possible
Sunday, September 9, 2007
why I chose animation as a career and what will i do after that
Objectives: 1. To show all those people who advised me not to do this course and to show to them that I was right in what I did.
2.To create a revolution in a good manner so that in the coming years people will chant my name and by this I will be famous and people will respect for who I am.
Short Term Plans: 1. To complete my degree program and excel in my class by coming first in my academics and to satisfy my family's expectations.
2.Work for few years and gain a bit of experience and then continue to do my masters.
Long Term Plans: 1.To complete my masters outside India and then work for a reputed studio for 2 to 3 years.
2.After this, shift my job to a small based not reputed studio where I can understand the difficulties of making a new studio.
Target: 1. To create a studio with the Head Office in Bangalore and the work station in my village Birthi, Salikeri or Manipal.
2.After that help in social service and stuff like that.
Dream: 1. Winning an academy for myself and not for a team.
Monday, September 3, 2007
The difference between Acting and Performance
The Dictionary Meaning of Both the words:
1. Acting: Art of representing a character on a stage or before a camera by means of movement, gesture, and intonation. It is the work of an actor or actress, which is a person in theatre, television, film, or any other storytelling medium who tells the story by portraying a character and, usually, speaking or singing the written text or play.
2. Performance: It is the art of doing something successfully; using knowledge as distinguished from merely possessing it;
My Understanding:
First of all, it’s quite interesting that there is such an argument between acting and performance because as of I am concerned that is pretty much it. But still, if this issue is looked into deeply there are quite a lot of different points of views.
Acting, as the definition depicts, is the art of presenting a character, a role which is given to an actor by who so ever concerned. Acting is what is done on a daily basis. But performance, is what is been appreciated by the audience. It’s that part of the act which is presented by the actor using the acting skills. .
For example, after watching a movie, we always commend on the actor performance and not on the acting because it’s always that the performance that is more appreciated than the acting skills. For a person who looks at making a animated movie, then it’s taking the right performance and put it in the right place. The acting skill just enlarges our thinking and broadens our creativity by a large extent.
This information is been compiled by my understanding of this article :
This is an assignment in my ongoing degree program
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Torture Continuing
My only hope is that they do it. Thats all enough.
(Short post cause no internet problem and cafe damn useless.)
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Living Without Technology
So, am just telling you folks out there who are stuck to the internet or any technology, It'll be a nightmare coming alive and am warning you: BE READY!!.
Friday, August 10, 2007
A Historic Century by Anil Kumble
Day 2, 2nd Test , The Oval
Well today was a very historic day for India and especially for Anil Kumble(The Leg Spinner from the Indian Cricket Team) because he scored his maiden century which took him 118 test matches to achieve it. Well at least he's made a record doing so by becoming the first player to take the most number of test matches to score a century by beating the previous record holder,Chaminda Vaas. Its a damn good and a brilliant milestone in his long career.
Leaving Anil Kumble's miraculous century aside, the Indian Cricket Team also had a good day today as they scored a mammoth total of 664 and the best part of it was that the highest scores came from the 6th and 7th position who were M S Dhoni and Anil Kumble, and even more interesting thing than that is only one century came out of the whole list of famous player and that to, it came from a bowler.
All I can say is that, with this day India have literally won the series and there is by no chance that England can recover from this mountainous task and after doing that over power India also.
Chak De India...
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Two Tiring days in a row...
Well, as I said in the earlier blog that getting things done while constructing a flat is crazy. I went through another tiring patch, yesterday and today. It was actually horrifying to be with people not listening to you and if the do, they don't get the main aim of doing it.
Yesterday, I told the cleaners to finish the center hall and the other room the next day (that was today). But as usual, they didn't listen to what I said and they did it. Now again I have to catch them and get the work done because today some cement workers came and dropped the cement all round the place.
Today, I had to shift the whole lot of furniture to the other room as the person I told couldn't get someone to come and help me. Because of this I hadn't have my lunch also. Another incident was that a small kid was told to do the work like applying cement and cleaning the toilet up and all.
So in the end, the moral of the story is to be stubborn when you have to be stubborn and so be it.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Getting Things done in Bangalore
My father bought a new flat in
We started pestering him about the completion and he told us that, let the carpentry work get over and then we will proceed.
We got carpenter at the quickest and told him to do a basic job like the cupboards and kitchen cabinets. It took the carpenter a month or so to finish the job completely and now we (in the sense me and my family) are again after the person in charge.
The guy then gives us a day (saturday) that he will completely finish the job and he will see to it that it finishes. Most of the work was supervised by my brother who was coming daily to the house and looking after it but now he wanted to go to the village side with my parents. That’s when he gives me the responsibility to take care of the house and that I had to see that it finishes by saturday and that everything is perfect.
Days pass by and only painters do their job and none of the other work is complete. I try to contact people who might be in charge but no one takes responsibility and another thing is that while doing so, I was about a pick a fight with the drunken owner but it didn't happen because I understand situations pretty quickly and am a smart guy. After the various interactions with various people, I finally get to meet the real person in charge and keep telling him about the problems I have. He then tells me that all the workers have gone to another construction site and the work can't be completed by Saturday. He then asks for time till Monday.
I was like okay and begged him to do the stuff on Monday at least.
Monday(Today): I go there with all intentions of work going on and everyone's busy doing their work but all I see is that the room is completely deserted and there's no one doing work. I go in search of there person I talked to the previous time but he never answered the calls I sent to him. I went back to their office on site and asked them for an explanation but another guy again says the same reason as before that the people have gone to the other site area and nothing can be done today and everything will be surely done by tomorrow, Tuesday.
So, for tomorrow I have no high expectations that work will be done but if hasn't been started as yet, then not even a single person on this universe who would see me as angry as I would predict.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Scooty Accident
Today when riding on the my sister's Honda Activa, a guy in a Maruti Omni came in and banged me on the side on the Activa. Luckily, I escaped the crash by few inches.
The whole story goes this way, I was sent to withdraw money from the bank. I take the normal route but find out that it’s extremely jammed. So I take the longer way to the normal. After crossing of about 700 meters, I wait to take a turn. At this time, I suddenly see an Omni speeding up at coming directly at me. I try to move front but nothing is happening. It all happened so fast that I moved enough to save my leg but I couldn't have saved the inevitable, The Omni stopped at a quick pace but still he banged into the Activa. His brake helped me hold still the balance of the bike and keep it still standing but still the Omni dented a deep hole in the back part of the scooty. I got damn angry by this and started scolding at him for not looking and driving.(Here the sad part of the whole story)He then told me that lets go to the police station and I ,like an idiot, straight said okay okay and went away ,running of like a scared dog.
The issue is that, I ride without license and if we went to the police then I would be the one responsible for the whole accident as I don’t have a license and am riding.
I go about 50 meters ahead and then call up my sister who then tells me,"Go get the money and come back, its okay." I go till there with even more scared feelings and I went very very cautiously and got the money back as slowly as possible. After coming back I put oil on my leg because the accident had a scratch on my leg and then off.My sister and the people in the house were talking about it but I went on with my future endeavors of the day as I didn’t want to face the humiliation.
Man! Now I find out that waiting on the roads for signals is also damn risky. Take Care.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
A Trip To GRS Fantasy Park,Mysore
Yesterday my family, our friend’s daughter and myself went to the
It’s a beautiful place to spend a day with family and friends. Extremely thrilling rides like the Water Pendulum and the
We reached the place at about 11.00 AM.
The place is divided into two parts the
After the fun at the Dry area, we then continued to the water areas at about 12.30 PM. We went around some small water play areas, the water sprinkled dance floor and then when we anticipated to go on to the big rides but we found out that the park people had a break for about half an hour and then they would resume. The people of the place also told us that only the Wave pool would be open during that time. So off we went to the wave pool. The wave pool like all places is cool. With the huge waves, it was awesome. After spending a few minutes there, we then went and had lunch. Lunch was okay, not that great after which we continued with our rides. We had gone to the Kamikaze slides and many more like them and also we went to the Water Pendulum which I must say was splendid, just splendid. Still continuing on our going fun, we moved on to the
We then finished up with all the rides and some of them even twice and went back to change our clothes. After wearing fresh, the change was too good because the water was cold and the weather was breezy, so new fresh clothes was very refreshing.
We again continued with the dry park, going to bumper car again and the giant wheel and all other rides that were allowed for us until their closing time. We got an alarm and then removed stuff from our locker, finished of with the formalities and then got out of that place with a lot of happiness and completely full of tiredness.
We had a absolutely fabulous time and a very fun filled one and by the way I forgot to mention that it was my dad’s idea for this big fun filling trip. Thanks dad, I love you a lot.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
First Experience with Contact Lens
Yesterday, I transformed from using glasses to lenses for the first time ever. It was a completely different feeling and a very irritating one at first.
When the ophthalmologist put them on yesterday for the first time to the right eye, everything that I saw was blurring. I told him the problem but he told me that it was the first time I was wearing them and that is why it happened like that. He then put on the other eye's lens and that was perfect. I kept complaining that it wasn't right after which he checked up the box from which he had taken the lens. He then clarified, took out another lens case, put them on and Ola! it was suddenly flawless. Everything seemed so picture perfect. He then told me the cause behind the nuisance was that he had given me a wrong lens for the right eye(I mean the right left not the right wrong). After this, he made me exercise how to position and detach the lens from the eye and then what to do with the solution they had told me to use. I repeated the drill again and again till the doctor was confident and self assured of what I was doing.It was an amazing experience.
I thought that using a lens was freaky but now I find out it's very irritating at first but once accustomed to it, I found out its sophisticated, stylish, trendy and groovy.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
The book was completely amazing. A fantastic finish to the Harry Potter Series written by J.K.Rowling.
In this book, Harry's ventures are taken beyond imagination. The logic that has been used is excellent and the complexity was damn interesting and surprising to understand except for the epilogue that was too much to digest.
The story is based on Harry's conquest to finish Lord Voldemort. In continuation with the previous books, he goes in search for the Voldemort's Horcruxes. In the end there is a thrilling "Battle of Hogwarts" where many loved characters die but finally there is a exciting and enthralling finish, to show that good always prevails over the bad.
Rowling has ended her series of Harry Potter but some other author might continue because Rowling has ended up with an open ending.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
The First Ever Lady President For India
Well after today's election, it has been finally decided that
Her nomination as a candidate for the presidential post was only taken by surprise to many and god knows how she could even became a president. Her qualification to get this candidature was that she had loyally served the Gandhi family and she was a infamous governor of Rajasthan. Another reason is that she was backed a lot by Sonia Gandhi. So that must have been her one and only plus point for her selection as president. Seeing the state at which the Indian Government has chosen the president, is like they had no proper person for the spot so they just put this lady. Its been quite an embarrassment for many Indian's and me included as we know that they are many other capable personnels who can handle the pressure and the job efficiently but now its all gone into the hands of some one who came into the limelight only after her candidature.
Another incident which I would like to bring into the limelight is that Ms.Pratibha Patil was under a lot of criminal surveillance.The report will give you more information about it.
So all in all, I just hope she keeps up to the standard at which Mr.A.P.J.Kalam had set.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Bored To Death !! :(
Well today was a boring day since there was no classes in "The Great" Apollo and the books that I bought are finished. The only option was to watch the television set or the desktop. In these two options, I tried both. The Television part didn’t work out so I was mostly on the desktop computer completing my so called assignments. Tried to finish them all but one of them is over. The other is creating a lot of problems.
Today I'll get a good night sleep and that's for sure because I have completed all I have to do.
So this is the way my day went today. Please comment on some stuff I can do if I ever face this type of situation again in future.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Apollo Assignments
Like in previous, I have told about Apollo, this is another instance I don't understand.
The teacher is good which I am not complaining about now but the teacher now goes on vacation and gives me an assignment to create a notepad file using Java language.
Going through the pages I found out the whole program was there only. Now all I did was to copy that into the notepad file and show to her and I am supposed to get full marks on that.
All I want to know is how she is going to evaluate on this, which I have to ask her when she returns.
I'll find out and then I'll tell you.
Keep watching in my future blogs for this content.
Monday, July 16, 2007
"The Naked Face" - Sidney Sheldon
Well this book was just finished today and it was a very interesting and fascinating books. So this is the quickest time that I have finished the book and it was quick because it was smaller than his normal published book.
The book was too good and small. Well the story was damn good. I couldn't leave the book after I started to read it I couldn't leave it. A damn good story with a good end and a good narration. And lastly, it’s again written by Sidney Sheldon. Man! That guy has style.
Well right now, I just have to depend on the computers or TV. That’s because I have booked Harry Potter which is releasing on 21st July, Saturday, and no body would believe that if I bought a new book, I would finish it before that time. So all the best to me.
Have Fun.
Well I completely forgot to say what the book is all about. The book is about a Doctor who finds out that his patient and his secretary are killed and he feels that he is was targeted all the time, but the police suspect him to be behind the murders. So the story is about how the doctors go through the situation and comes out of case. It’s a very complicated story because that’s how Sidney Sheldon always writes.
Thanks for the comment
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Bloodline is another book which is written by Sidney Sheldon and I have completed the book just yesterday. A drag at first and the last , but the way the author is wrote about it is too good , let it first or last. A damn good thriller which revolves around a pharmaceutical business run by joint family and how the family faces the problem even after the death of the president and her daughter taking over at a very young age .
A very good thriller and a damn good story line .
Right now , I am mostly reading books .Currently I am reading Sidney Sheldon's First book , “The Naked Face”. This book will surely finished by Friday because on Saturday the much awaited "Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows" is releasing. I am dying to read the book at the earliest .
While your still hanging around the net , just look on to my newly constructed website(Its Still Under-Construction).
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Well yesterday I went to see the much awaited Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix. Well after seeing the movie I felt that it wasn't that great as much as the hype it had created. But looking at the faces of the people coming out of the theater, they were like,"Oh my good, it was damn cool da." But it wasn’t as great as the hype it had created. It was supposed to be more than what they had done. Well I felt like this because one thing was the actors were trying too hard on some scenes and it looked too weird and then the actors are above the age the roles are at and then many of the favorite characters had very less to do for example Hagrid or even Dumbeldore wasn't given that attention. Well my views are only to myself and they are based on what I feel so no offence to those who are hurt.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Should community sites like orkut or facebook be blocked ??
Well there is a huge discussion of what has to be done about friend’s community sites.
These sites are a link between old friends. So many people including me have found out information about friends who were when they changed their school or shifted to other countries. Even the cyber police also get a lot of information about people under their interest. A lot of information can be found out according to their friends, where about and all interests and dislikes , etc.
Well the only thing against it that it contains a lot pornographic material and profile are easily accessible making it very easy for offenders to do their job easily .
So after all these discussion, it comes down to one thing
I would say no but I am only entitled to my views and others may have different views.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Well the coming 2 weeks can be sub titled the Potter Weeks. On July 13th, there's the movie release of Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix. The movie which surrounds the journey of Harry Potter in his fifth year of his school and what all dangers he faces. The use of Graphics are enormous and the story line is supposed to be good .After the release of the movie , on July 21st , the latest installment , Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is going to be released . This could be the last installment in Harry's journey battling evil surrounding him.
Well it'll be a dilemma if one has to choose between the two. He might most probably turn towards the book because the film is based on a book released long time back and story would be well known already but its the graphics and the acting which would bring all the fans into to the film . The books craze has gone mad while the pre bookings are already overloaded and people going crazy with waiting for the day of the release.
Well what happens is yet to be seen.
Friday, July 6, 2007
First Time Riding a Bike
Well today was the first day I rode the bike for a very long distance without the assistance or watch of any experienced drivers.
My brother watched me for a few minutes before I raced away in front and he had to say that I was shaking a lot and wasn't steady.
Well what I felt was that I was very comfortable and I was riding fast and furious style.
Well its certainly a landmark I have reached and so i will cherish it for a very long time.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
A Dark Chocolate a day keeps the Blood Presure away

Read this report.Its the most interesting report I have read up till now for today. The reason that I have brought into the limelight is that my mother has high BP and my brother blames me for the cause .Well at least I have a solution now that can help.
For Chocó lover this should another celebration. All I can tell them is Have Fun.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
The craze for the New Harry Potter

The new Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is creating a lot of hype even before the book is released. In
Well this book will create a hell lot of hype all round the world and this will be the most awaited books for many readers and as it is the last installment of the series, the curiosity will be even more.
Even I am stuck in this kind of emotion but my only problem is that my parents don’t want me to buy the book and are telling me to wait for the someone else to finish the book and then I read it .I am certainly against this and do anything to get this book on the first day itself.
Friday, June 29, 2007
What all can happen in Indian Public Buses ??
Well as you people know that I stay in Bangalore .This is about my various encounters with the BMTC, the public bus transport in Bangalore.
It all the started normally. In the morning we, meaning my mom and I, had planned to go to my newly constructed house .We got in the bus from a stop the bus makes near our house .We reached the main Banashankari Depot from where we had to catch a bus to Marathahalli. We saw a bus filled with people but no driver. With the hope that the driver would arrive in a few minutes, we entered the bus. We waited and waited .During this time we saw beggars asking for money and some charity people coming up to people and asking them for money. Like the usual Indian style. Just after all the money lending menace was over , we saw a bus just starting up to go to the same place we wanted to go .So we did what every common person would have done, hop out of the bus we were sitting in and jump into the bus which was in the background right now. Getting in the bus, we sat on our seat. The bus was filled with people but it wasn't that full. Well after going for about 20 minutes, we reached a traffic jam at "Silk Board”. It was always expected at that place .The bus since then was moving slower than a tortoise .It was like stop for a minute and move for 15 seconds. So the stop and start wasn't allowing me to sleep also. So what I suggested to my mom was to walk till the place where most of Marathahalli bus comes and catch a different bus from there. But by now, my mom didn’t want to get up and was arrogant on not leaving. By this moment, the jam was almost over and we had crossed it by bus only. The bus from there onwards was going slow but it was better than the tortoise walk . Reaching Marathahalli we took another bus to the stop near our construction place. My mom stopped on a stop and I got down at the next stop .This was just a experiment to check whether the distance was same from both the stops.
No problem up till now. We then went to the construction site and did the necessary jobs.
After that, I had to go for my computer classes and mom had to go home. I could have left my mom back but I went with her to the place where she could catch a bus to home. She left for the bus and I took a bus to a place called Domblur . Getting in the bus to Domblur was difficult because there were only a few going that direction. Well after getting in the bus and reaching the destination, I had to walk to another place. Up till now I hadn't eaten much but my stomach was controlling my hunger.
Waiting for a Bus to Indra Nagar (where my classes were held) was an irritating. It was lunch time .All busses were coming there and stopping without continuing to go forward . This was their last stop. I was waiting and waiting, killing flies. I just got irritated by the busses and their drivers. I asked one of the conductors when's the next bus to Indra Nagar , he told me that there wasn't any specific timings and every bus leaving for that place was surly going to Indra Nagar . So my task was cut out for me. It was just to find a god damn bus that was going in that direction. Several busses came in and stopped there .None going forward because it was their relieving time that time. Waiting for about half an hour, a bus suddenly decided to move. Everyone rushed like a bull stampede to the bus. I got in the bus and luckily I was quick enough to get a seat. The bus took again another five minutes to start, but I was glad it started, becuase I was already late for my class and I dint want to be even later.
As I was new to Indra Nagar, I was confused to where to get down. I asked a few people and they guided me pretty well .I must thank them a lot because for one reason is that it got me to the correct place and leaving that , its very hard to find people telling the right directions. After getting down at that stop, I saw a shop selling pens and I wanted one. I went to buy and then I saw a restaurant. I couldn’t control my hunger and got a plate of Pori Kurma to eat for so called lunch .After doing so, I got into my senses and started running to my classes. That day the teacher told me to practice the practical stuff, so I was lucky not to miss any important lessons .After class I went back the way I came to the place. Getting to the bus stop was a little madness but a it was okay because I walked so much for a day and was tired of walking more.
After reaching this stop, I asked some one how to get to Banashankari because I wanted to go home .The guy told me that just now a bus went and he didn’t know when the next one would come.
As I normally do, I waited. I waited and waited and the crowd me became more and more .Suddenly a bus comes. But it isn’t the bus I wanted .A few of the buses passed me but I either wanted to go the way I wanted to go. Suddenly a bus appears out of no where and it’s the bus I wanted to get in. The crowd which grew more and more went into this bus. The bus suddenly started its engines and I got sacred and held one of the stands. Hanging my way for sometime like that, I was in a way trilled by the experience. But after a few moments I got pulled myself in the bus. I got a place to stand and made myself comfortable with the bus still filled with people and searching each other up. I survived until the crowd decreased and luckily I snatched a seat from a guy and sat there comfortably. The whole part of this trip was like the best. The bus was filled with people and some were standing also. I felt caring for some of them but then though t to myself that if I have to survive I have to do what’s right for me and not for others. Playing games on my mobile and listening to songs were mostly what I did the whole time until I overheard two people talking about cartoons and in what software they were made. I was curios about what they were talking about interfered. I asked them whether they were animators’ and luckily I guessed right. We talked about some stuff like what they had done and what they were for. They had done selective study and selected their subject by themselves and now they were working for logx as web designers. By the time I had reached banashankari and then one of them, Nagaraj , gave me his number . I thanked them for the information and then stared searching for my bus.
Again as usual I waited and waited for the bus and again as usual there was a huge crowd. The busses never came on time and I went to search for them at different places. My efforts went to vain but when I returned there was a bus which would stop near my current house. The crowd was less at the ground but i found out that hey were transferred to the bus I was in. Again the same situation except this time I was royally crushed and on top of that the conductor moving up and down collecting ticket was walking on my poor foot. I couldn’t see where we were and I thought I would get lost at that moment. The crowd started to decrease and I found out that the next stop was where i had to get down. And so I did .Getting down on the right moment and went directly into my house drank fresh good water and did my daily routines.
After today I know how tough it is going around big cities around crowded bunch of people and of course not being picking pocketed. Today for me surviving in the bus was like survival of the fittest. I will so always remember this day even though its not because of any special occasion .Its just because of the first time this has happened.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
My College Details for those who want to know
Animation - Meaning of Animation
Animation News - Find out more what happening on
Animation Colleges Database - A damn good site for searching colleges abroad India
Toonskool - This is where I am taking up the course . Well most of the links aren't working because of the constuction of the site but some of the links work.
SAE - Another institute which has a good propectus .
If I get more sites I will surely post them on another blog .
Learn Web Building Yourself right from the basic to advance levels
For those creating site please look into this site and commet on how useful it is.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Apollo Madness
This is where the entire problem starts.
I go there on June 15th, Friday. The teacher herself wasn't to be found. I asked them for a reason and they tell me that the executives have called for a sudden meeting and so the teacher's wasn't available on that day and the main lady told me that my course would start on June 19, Monday.
At this time , I believed them.
Having nothing to do in the days between , I just roamed around, walking on the streets .
Then Monday, I go there and again the teacher required is not to be found. This time the main lady tells me that the teacher has been admitted in the hospital as she is not feeling well that is why she can't take the class today. The main lady tells me she would be back on Wednesday.
Again I had believe them again. Going till there is waste of money and energy unless those teachers come.
My mom returned from the village on Tuesday. Listening to the past tales , she got angry and frustrated by them. So that day, I and my mom go to the institute .We wait till the main lady comes and we blasted her .She kept on giving the excuse that this was the first time and it would never happen again.
The next day, Wednesday, the main lady makes sure that there was a teacher there to attend to me. The first few days that sir kept doing C++ to make me understand Object Oriented Programming (OOP) even though C++ is partial OOP .Up till Saturday we did that. The classes were good.
Sunday is as regular a holiday .
Subsequent Monday, I went there .Another teacher was introduced to me .This teacher started dictating what she had written in her book and then did some programs on her white board . At the end of the speed class she had taken, I asked her a doubt, her reply was that it was written in the book like that. After pestering her for 2 or 3 minutes , I gave up because she couldn't understand what I was trying to say and I couldn't understand what she was trying to say and at the end I dint understand a thing. After the so called theory class, I did the programs the teacher gave. I finished it quickly and didn’t know what to do . I tried different ways and then got bored and left from the place .The teacher told me that I would be assigned a new teacher the next day.
The next day, Tuesday, the new teacher is again not to be found. They again tell me the same reason they tell at the start of the problem, that is, there is a meeting and it is'nt possible for the teacher to attend to me and the stand by teacher has again gone to the hospital. I had to digest what they told but I know they are lieing because in a week how many times can you have a meeting. She told she would definitely come on Wednesday.
Now if the teacher doesn’t appear on Wednesday again, the main lady will continue to tell lies but this time I won't accept it .I would scream , yell and keep shouting at her until she does something useful , that is , call the teacher at that time or give me my money back .
Monday, June 25, 2007
Rain , Rain all round .
This is famous nursery rhyme which will be heard from many South Indian people.
The monsoon this year has hit early than expected and due to that many have suffered.
Even though I am staying in Bangalore where it hasn't affected much, I am still concerned about those people who have suffered .The rain has hit badly in the area's of Andhra Pradesh, Kerala .The situation in these places would be very bad and very harmful .Houses broken by the rain and wind, streets flooded by the water, no drainage working, no fresh water available .These are the effects of the disastrous rains .Viral fever will surly be running though everybody’s bodies by now.
The rivers will be another dangerous area and the beach line would be one of the deadliest places to be as the waters in the rivers are going above the danger mark and the sea water is still going rough on all the beaches and coastal areas.
At least this is a sign for taking precautions for the future. Precautions like a back up plan or some thing. Well after seeing all the news reports, I am doing that now.
My condolences to the families of the deceased and wish them all the best in their future endeavors’.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Parents Please take care of your Children
Oh boy! Barely 2 and on the run from police
Bhuvaneshwar Prasad TNN
Katihar (Bihar): First it was an eightyear-old who was marched into a courtroom to face charges of murdering three children. Then a six-year-old was accused of sexual abuse. Just when you think crime can’t get any younger comes the case of a two-year-old boy in Bihar who’s been charged with rioting and even firing at the police. He faces arrest and has been asked to surrender. Raj Kumar, son of Raju Jha of Nababganj village in Katihar district, has been charged with firing at police and has an arrest warrant out for him. A case has been registered under IPC’s Sections 307 (attempt to murder), 323 (voluntarily causing hurt), 349 (using force) and 34 (common intent). This is what happened. The Manihari police lodged an FIR on Jan 30 against a dozen people, including the child, charging them with attempted murder and rioting after a clash between two groups during a Muharram procession. Police had to open fire to break up the mob. Fearing police reprisal and arrest of their son, the parents are said to have fled the village and are on the run. Katihar SP Anil Kishore Yadav told TOI he had ordered his deputy to get details of the warrant against the twoyear-old, saying he couldn’t do anything to revoke the order until he received a full report. Manihari’s station officer-incharge couldn’t be contacted despite several attempts. A senior lawyer poohpoohed the SP’s defence that he was not competent enough to delete the child’s name. Other ‘infant crime’ Three-month-old charged under the Arms Act in Muzaffarpur district Rani Kumar, 2, charged with attacking police party that went to arrest her father Five-year-old Santosh accused in a dowry case. He was allegedly harassing his sister-in-law for dowry .
My comments - Sorry but I couldn’t get the link of this article , but I felt it was freaky article that I had to show .The reason behind this fiasco may be because it's taken place in Bihar(no-offence to Bihari readers),but such a small kid holds a gun and ,god dammed , shoots at the policemen out of all people . I just posted it cause I felt shocked after reading this article.
" Nothing Lasts For Ever " - Sidney Sheldon

"The Best Laid Plans" - Sidney Sheldon

The Official Summary
Well this is another thrilling book by Sidney Sheldon .God only knows why I am stuck to his books but I must admit its always awesome .Same goes to this one to. A great script with great language .The story is good but the end is a bit confusing as even I don’t know what particularly happens to Leslie Stewart , the main lady is this book .Leaving the end , the whole writing is nicely brought out by Sidney Sheldon especially the rotating of the scenes between the characters , no specialized importance is given to any character .I was just stuck to finishing this book that when I was on my way back from my institute to my house , I was holding and reading the book the whole time , in the bus and while walking .
Thursday, June 21, 2007
What am I doing lately ?
2. Reading Books: My craze for Sidney Sheldon books still is on me. When ever I buy a book, my first choice would be a Sidney Sheldon book .I don’t understand the theory or practical of this to happen to me but its happening. Just today I finished reading his book "The Best Laid Plans" .I was so interested in finishing the book that I was continuously reading the book as I was walking back home . Now both the books are over. My mom says she wont buy anymore .God knows what am I going to do.
3. Blogging and reporting: Now a days I normally sleep at 2 midnight .The reason is that I have to complete my daily chores, that is, blogging on this blogspot and writing as much as I can about my recent Saar Pass trek to my dad. Now my brother has entrusted me with more chores, to make a site and maintain it. He says that all the chores can be completed for 15 minutes but he doesn’t realize that it takes me more than 2 hours to finish the so without any interptution.
Up till now the blogging part has been going on nicely and hope it does in the future also .I hope to finish and accomplish my other chores also but many don’t seem to get completed
4.Watching Movies : I know , I know , that movies are bad for health and it makes me a couch potato but what to do .I am so addicted to it that I cant leave it just like that .At least I make it a point to blog on any one film that I have seen in the previous week . Recently just finished watching the LOTR :Fellowship of the Ring , just day before yesterday and it was quite thrilling . I am looking forward to see the rest of the parts also.
5.Eat and Sleeping and Computer :Eating is my one and only favorite hobby that I don’t think I can lose .When your see that I am not doing one of the above then I will be wither sleeping or eating or on the computer browsing through some site which also include orkut and facebook .
This is what I do normally, unless or until there is some other plans for the day decided by my higher authorities.
Live and Let Live.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Another attraction in land of wonder
Reading this editorial ,I was quite amazed at how quickly the city is making news for themselves.They are building their reputation in a different style .Dubai was once a desert filled with sand dunes and bounty of sand.Now they have that sand into a pure Hi-Tech city .When I was born my father used to tell me that the tallest building in the place was The World Trade Center . Now that same building is one of the shortest in that road. In just a gap of 15 years, Dubai has crossed limits like no other city .They have been quick in their decision making and once a decision is made, the necessary should be done so ,that to within its deadline. When I was returning from there I was just remembering the places I visited in the last few years. The place is ultimately changed from nothing to everything. Some of their creation is man made islands which can be seen from the moon , ski resort in a shopping mall , 7 start hotel situated in the middle of the sea . They future projects are enormous like Burj Dubai (The tallest building on Earth) , Dubai land, this place consists of a Dino land, a fantasy place bigger than Disney land, Sports Land and many more creations .Even though all of the above are artificially made, they still should be appreciated because all these facilities are located where once water was impossible to find .Right now I have left Dubai for education purposes but I have every intention to return back there and stay there leading a successful life.
Dubai, it’s a place to be.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Bangalore Roads and it travellers
The policy in Bangalore is Let go or you only on. In a few words it’s just that much. The driver are harsh aggressive and don’t allow a chance for a friendly environment. The major problem comes in here is the people's thinking .This is mostly corrupted by the bad road designing in Bangalore. Even if it is one of the most popular places in the whole world, it still lacks the decency to be in that category. Traveling in the bus is a very convenient and most common way of travel .But if the bus is full of people ,there will still be a traffic jam some place or another .
Some of the main reasons are
a) No strict rules: The rules which are adapted by the police or any higher authority are never accepted by the people of the place, the people do whatever they want. Even the fines which the government imposes are low and if it affects any people it won’t mind them.
b) Aggressive People - The people traveling on the road are very impatient and don’t care about other .And Auto's and Bikes top this list. They move in small road creating havoc’s for the whole road.
c) Not planned road: If roads were planned properly then the extent of the problem would have decreased .They would be better coordination and people can travel faster that way.
By these problems many people's lives are at risks, so to whom ever reading, this is a universal message don’t drive harsh.
Its better late than Never
Sunday, June 17, 2007
The Indian Coach Fiasco
The major problem occurred after he was sacked. It wasn’t supposed to be a problem but due to the brilliant arrangement, it had to be a problem. The story goes like this -
After Indians exit from the world cup, due to their hectic schedule created by the board, they had their next tour to Bangladesh within a month. During this time, finding a new coach wouldn’t be possible, so a good idea was to keep the very well known Ravi Shastri as a manager. He was also asked to take the long term plan of being a coach but he declined as he had his media commitments and couldn’t accept the offer. While this was going on, parallel the Bangladeshi Coach DAV Whatmore voluntarily gave his name for being India's coach after his term with Bangladesh.
While the tour was going on, Dav Whatmore was interacting a lot with the Indian Officials and the player. He got the trust he required that he would need to be the coach. He was supposed to be selected with everything just fine. No problems at all at this moment. After the Bangladesh tour, the coach selection committee meets up and there were only three candidate’s names which were Graham Ford, John Embruey and Dav Whatmore. The thinking of the population of the country was in that state that it just had to be official that Dav Whatmore would be the coach, but then during the board meeting his name was scrapped off by the coach selection team and named only two candidates for the post. The two candidates appeared prepared for their presentation and presented them quite exclusively. After the presentation it was decided that Graham Ford would be an apt person for the job. So they sent him an offer letter.
After a few days, there was another twist to the story. Graham Ford declines the offer without any particular reason and he wanted to stay with his previous employer, Kent. This was a big blow to the Indian team who were stranded without a coach to guide them. The Indian Coach Selection committee got a great setback by this and had a meeting on what to do next. The team’s next tour was to England and Ireland which is in another 2 week and in two weeks they weren’t able to anything accept to select another manager and it was another great player of the Indian cricket team, Chandu Borde. The Coach Selection team says that they are going to select a new coach with new names and it will be clearly well organized without any hic cups.
What I have to day about this - At the beginning of the period, I felt after what Dav Whatmore had done, it was a clear cut case that he would be selected. After the influence of some of the senior members of the Board his name was scrapped , this came as a surprise. After his name out of the list, the other two candidates had to fight between themselves. It was easily predictable that Ford only would be chosen .After a few days; the twist actually became madness. It was like no one wanted to coach the Indian Cricket team. Ford Dint accept the job .
Now the selection of the coach will be after the England tour , so let’s see what happens after the England tour .
With a team like India, there is no requirement of a coach. The senior players in the team have abundance of experience and if any problems occur during the course then the players could only help each others out. A coach is only to guide the players; the players who form the team are the actual one's to be playing on the field. So with a coach or without a coach it will be no difference, at least for the Indian Cricket Team.
Proud To Be An Indian.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Why so much Hype ??
Devo Gowda is a politician who was once the Prime Minster of the country and then he was thrown out of his seat and after which he has been followed by the paparazzi a lot . In today's paper the news reported that in Deva Gowda's apartment there was a rat snake which had entered in an auspicious date. They also stated that he was scared to death when some one told him that it was a cobra and they also brought in speculations that he might do a bit of a funda with the governmental issues because a snake entering in an auspicious date might mean something to him as he is religious.
Now after analyzing the above, what I feel about reporters is that they have nothing else to do except to talk about such bullshit. Instead of using the time in reporting issues helpful to the readers , they waste their time talking about a freaking snake that had lost its way and entered into a politician's house . After all why do the politicians require so much hype? They aren't doing anything useful nor are they doing anything constructive.
Reporters shouldn’t be that jobless that they report anything or over thing they get other wise it'll just be no use reading the news paper.
Friday, June 15, 2007
The Usage of gadgets
Technology can now be witnessed to be with street sellers and various other low income groups.
For e.g. there was day when a vegetable vendor was coming near our house and suddenly he turned away in another direction. I went near him and asked him why dint you come there and he told me that one of his customers had called him on his mobile and told him that they wanted some items urgently. I was like shocked and he just passed by me as if he never talked to me.
These days technology is going to extent that the paper work in you offices will all be streamed down to palm tops. The other day there was this Microsoft add coming on the TV and it should that a man was going for a meeting from his office taking a plane to his required place and he dint have anything accept a palm top. That’s how people are going to be after a few days .All in palm tops, mobile phone which could be used as a 7.2 mega pixel camera and a video recorder and a GPS system all in one. It’s quite freaky to say, but in no time these inhuman gadgets will one day rule our world .Later we will no choice other than listening to them unless we act right now by using these gadgets at a lower rate.
All The Best in doing so
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Argument : Is Seeing television good or bad ??
Let analyze both the aspects here that is the advantage and dis advantage .
Lets take the disadvantages first . The major problem with TV is that it is too addictive because there is a lot of variety . For Eg,If your watching a movie and you dont like it ,heres always another substitute to that channel . That way one after the other you can continously keep watching the TV only and by the time you look at your watch you'd have spent like hours on it .
Now if you look at the bright side of TV , TV has to be taken as an entertainment which is part of relaxing yourself or getting to know whats happening around the world . Saying that TV is good , most people criticize saying that its bad for health . But then these people who criticize ,they also have a TV in their houses and they also watch it regurlarly . TV is part of everyone's minds . People watch sports , games , movies and so on , they are always have to be used to relax your brain and not to be addictive to .These TV's are the ones who have enriched some the huge minds to get terrific ideas .
So I could only ask all people not to be addicted to the TV but do have a glance at it and gain knowledge from it.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Tell Me Your Dreams
I felt it quite interesting because first of all my likings are thriller stories and secondly its shocking in the finish of first where they first find out she has split personality and all the murders that were done were by her only.The plots for each scenario is nicely and conventionally done. The Court scence whch comes in the second part of the book is also scripted very well. That to the way the case was presented also was wonderfully done. The last part of the book is a bit of slag and is not usefull to read .It should'nt have been there or just a short epilogue should have been given about it instead of a different set of chapters decribing her treatment on her split personality .This was the one hitch in the book otherwise the book is excellent and anyone can read with out any difficulties.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Living the Village style
After passing this phase , we go to the breakfast where we get nothing else except the regular food ,the same thing made again and again . After that, passing time is fun only if you have company or else you will be stuck with grandma's and grandpa's who keep talking talking talking .Its fun sometimes but gets boring afterwards . The Television also wont work cause either the electricity will be off or there's only free channels that come ,its cause in rural areas how do u get tv.The water is also kinda freaky . Its the well water and you cant say anything but just trust people that its good .
Moving on to the afternoons the lunch also will be normal and its a bit okay by now , the weather fine , all people sleeping and you cant sit in calmness read some books,magazines etc . And the normal school get over by about 4.30 adn everyone comes home by bus and mostly walking or cycling back home.After this its quite fun cause we get some one of your age and you can play talk about the days happenings or play so games and quitely pass time that way .By now it'll be at about 6.30 or so.And then there wil television on for which only one channel comes and the same boring serials . Well time passes quickly and it'll dark and you'll find various bugs scaring irrtating and flying all round .Then after all the talking and bla bla the next program of the day is dinner .Well this is almost the same as the lunch with a little extras in it . Dinner is preety good with extra's especially all the oily stuff added like pappad and so . And after the beautifull dinner ,its time to sleep . Before sleeping if there's a habit of reading on the bed then it wont work ,cause you see the irritation and scary bugs may go to the extent of killing you even if they dont mean to . Well this is how a normal day passes for visitors from developed places .If you have any opinions please do comment , I would be glad to know .
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Some matters that has to be looked on to by ME
a) Continously Blog
b) Watch myself at all times
c) Try researching on more tech stuff
d) Not to eat withh my mouth opened
e) Be pre occupied
f) Not to talk at unnecesary moments
g) Not to crack poor jokes.(I'm a genius at this)
h) Not to laze around
i) Read a lot of books and papers on topics other than sports.
j) Keep an account on my spending
This is all that I remember being told ,if there are i am going to edit this blog .
And to all blog readers , this is m6y first blog so please give your views and please dont be to bad .