Tuesday, December 30, 2008
I seriously have to find a permanent solution to put an end to this callous botheration. Maybe I should do it the way the children remember what they have been told to, i.e., by writing it down and checking the written materials every now or the other option is to UP the security like the U.S.A government to keep my effects safe for example using some chained wallet and safety pocket for the mobile.
Hopefully, I'll implement it strictly and hopefully start to be more careful about my effects.
Please wish me the best. (It'll count, I'm sure of it)
Monday, December 29, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Free Hugs
A movement, where any body gives a hug to a random person without any reason, just to make a person happy by which they could brighten their lives. It was created by Juan Mann, an Australian, with the main aim of spreading happiness, joy and belief in one's self. Recently a group of guys and girls of the age from 18 - 25 held a campaign on M.G.Road, Bangalore which supposedly spread the awareness of how much a hug can change a person.
Hopefully I could join this group as early as possible because I completely believe in it. Once I get more information on it, I'll surely enlighten anybody who needs to know.
Keep Connected and give a hug to someone today. You never know, it could suddenly change someone's life for the good.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Working a simple story is the only way out and the toughest thing to do in story writing is writing a simple story. This is because amateur story writers will always look to justify themselves (as to what they have written) in the story which will in turn elongate the whole story.
I don't understand why, but in India, advertisements aren't given that much importance. It's very odd to see advertisements (very bad ones) come on the Indian channels very frequently. The best that India came out with must be something from the MTV or Channel V India production studios.
Recommended Ads to be seen are from MTV international. They've got amazing ad's.I'll put them on once I find them online.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
How Ironic
When a commando shoots at a terrorist and in the cross fire losses his life for saving his countrymen, his family gets Rs.5 Lakh from the same government of India.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
As the night passed I try to catch a small sleep but no. With all the blabbering and all the nonsensical things going around you, I bet you can't make it through the night sleeping until and unless you’re a real tight sleeper.
The next day, all of the guys were up and out with our art materials by around 7.45 A.M. Most of us found a place for ourselves on the sides of the road and started sketching the beautiful, mind blowing and amazing scenery right in front of us. By around 8.30 we had our breakfast after which the buses started honking for its ride which was planned to start in a few minutes. Our next stop was on Talacauvery, a temple located on top of a hill and the birth place of the famous river Cauvery. Once there, we served our time with the god and went onto the tip of the mountain. The uphill walk was tiring and exhausting but once on top, you get a heart-stopping,over-whelming and mind-tingling view. While on top, we felt a completely different feeling and with the clouds passing through your legs, articulating that is never possible.
We stopped over on our way back for lunch in the lodge and then we were off to a palace which was also on another hill top. The road to this treacherous mountain was disgraceful and horrid. At some points of time, we actually felt that the bus wouldn’t make the curve and on other moments, the burning tire smell always irritated us.
After reaching the palace, we find out that it was utter crappy. It would be as simple as my ancestor’s home right now. But some of the guys and me made the best use of time reaching there. We got ourselves a carom board and then we got ourselves involved in a game of volleyball alongside the locals of the area. It’s pretty fun to play and enjoy, especially in that whether and area.
By the time we left the area, it was dark. On the way back to the lodge we stopped over at some hotels for dinner.
The tradition continued to pursue with no one allowing the good guys like me, obviously, to sleep.
During the night some of us got sleep enough to keep us alive the next day.
The next day was our return the Bangalore. Stomachs were starving till around 11.00 A.M where we reached a good hotel. The quantity of food was large and quality of the food was also awesome but the service was slow. After our mid morning brunch, we headed back in the way towards Bangalore. On the way back, we stopped on Abbhey Falls after which we headed back to Bangalore. The falls was like any ordinary falls.
We reached Bangalore at around 9.30 P.M and most of us were back home by around 11.30 P.M.
Monday, December 15, 2008
The Study Trip
Well the faculties and the management conducted a study trip to Bhagmandala and its surrounding areas. The tight, well thought out, planned trip started of for me on 27th November, 2008 at around 8.15 A.M when the bus booked for the trip arrived at my stop. The departure from my stop was around 8.45 A.M because of the usual delays of students not arriving on time. The bus took of and in the bus started the chit chatting, which eventually grew louder and louder as the journey continued.
Our first stop was around 10.30 A.M and by then we reached Kamat Lokaruchi. The food was flavorsome, mouthwatering, appetizing, scrumptious, yummy, juicy, and succulent and they exceeded any expectation anyone had. With our stomachs full, we continued our journey. At this point of time, the games started beginning. On one side of the bus were fun games and on the other side, games like chess and different games of cards were being played. It was very intriguing, interesting and actually made me so enthralled that I didn’t even know that we covered around 130 Km. Our next stop could be called a pit stop considering the main aim of this stop was to attend to some major nature calls.
And we were off again, back in games mode. We made a quick stop for lunch at some faltu hotel in Hunsur. The place reminded of the days I was there with my parents, grand parents and uncles and aunts. My mom is from Hunsur.
And of we were of them there.
The duration till our next stop wasn’t that much and before knowing that we reached, we were already there. The place where we arrived at was called Tibetan Colony and the name of the place suggests it all. It is a colony holding the Tibetans. The architectural design of the place resembles the architectural design of
The guys started clicking photos right from the point they put the foot down on the place. The major tourist spot of this place is the Golden Temple of Buddha. The temple is filled of various ages of monks and in the temple sits 3 huge, massive, gold plated Buddha’s. It's a beautiful unexplainable sight and you must go there to experience it. The guys kept moving in and around the place buzzing about the people, the location and the beautiful views. Our next stop was toward the market area which was about 500 meters from the temple. The market area was pretty small but had a lot of variety and mainly depicted the culture of
The bus was horning out loud basically to get out of that place as quickly as possible. It was late and dark. We were out of there at around 8.30 P.M and as the journey to our lodge continued, most the guys were falling asleep like bowling pins. We reached Hotel Mayura, Bhagmandala at around 9.30 P.M and thankfully they were pretty happy to keep some food ready for us. The food was not that great but anything is OK at that point of time.
After the dinner, some of us went out for a night walk. In that dark and lonely road uphill, god, that was a walk which I wouldn’t try to do it again. On the walk, we were basically making fun of every odd character that we knew. We were back within 45 minutes and straight headed straight into the dormitories where our bed waited for us. Unfortunate for me, the other guys in the place weren’t that cooperative into allowing me to sleep.
Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi
Quiet a movie I should say.
Shah Rukh carried out his character way more than exceptionally. Anushka Sharma, who looked very cute throughout the entire movie, did a pretty neat show but it was Shah Rukh all the way. Vinay Pathak also was quite a surprise in the whole movie.
Talking about the movie on the whole, it had too many dialogues. The music was not so great and the cherography was very simple which added to the aura of the film. I felt the camera angles and shots taken during the starting sequence and whenever it came towards the Golden Temple, were beautiful. The movie's story always went in a see-saw style with the humorous acts every now and then, but when it went slow it became totally boring.
Overall if you watch the movie, then watch it for Shah Rukh Khan. I would rate it a 3 out of 5.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Film Makers are very good Liars
Films are always a lie (If I am wrong, there’s always the comment’s dialogue box) and the better you can tell a lie, the better the film does on the chart list and only liars know how to tell a lie better.
Pretty Cool eh!
PS: Please don't take me seriously. This was just a joke.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Analyzing Films
With me, it was this new field called video art, which I am very interested in. So along with my ongoing research on fotomation I will surely make a note of looking up on video art and as and when I do I will surely keep you updated.
And please if you do like performance, drama and film(not commericial films) try catching up with this film called DV8 Physical Theatre's 'Cost Of Living'. Here is the trailer and please share your views on these type of movies.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
A take on the Indian Government System
Just last week was the Mumbai's Terror Attack, which many people also call as ' India's 9/11'. Right after the attack was neutralized, a list of politicians were forced to resign on the grounds of neglecting the intelligence which were received in advance or acting negligently while the whole attack was taking place.
I have one question here, how is the resignation of politician going to help the situation? It only proves the fact that they are cowards who are scared to face the problems and find solutions to these problems.
I have one more question, why do we have politicians of such stature who don't know how to face and solve situation more effectively? Why that is in U.S and the U.K, government personnel should have at least a year of military training before getting the post in the government? I am very sure that if our country's home minister were a military personnel or a ex-military officer, he could have handled the situation in a much more professional manner.
I very much think that the whole government system should be revised and I hope that such an action is done as soon as possible.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Fortunately it was not all bad for me, since my voice was strong but my Hindi was poor, the casting director told me that if anything came up he would surely give me a buzz. So am waiting for the opportunity.
Monday, November 17, 2008
It's an animation technique which I am researching on. It is basically the process of shooting series of live photographs and placing them together which will eventually give an illusion of life. One methods of photomation is the pixilliation which was already experimented by my friends and myself in our first ever production called ‘The Big Trick’.
I am planning to use another method also called ‘Fotomation’ (Method used in the award winning ‘Missing Pages’(Video Below)) part of this animation technique in my adaptation of Robert Frost's 'The Road Less Travelled’.
Sorry but I still don't have exact details of this technique.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Places To Be, Things To See: Sangam , Mekadatu and Chunchi Falls.
Two friends of mine and I took off in two bikes towards the place. We enjoyed the ride even more since we’d been there once before but due to minor difficulties we couldn’t enjoy ourselves there. We started off from Bangalore at around 7.30 A.M and had some snacks along the way. The route is splendid (even the roads were surprisingly good except for 6 Km bad stretch), like I said, therefore we took our own sweet time to reach.
Our arrival to Sangam, the point where River Arkavathy and Cauvery converge, was around 10.30 A.M. We spent some time on the river bed of the Sangam after which we took a raft ride to cross the Sangam River to reach Mekadatu. The people of the area are a bit aggressive, even the beggars, so if you’re aggressive try not to show it out there.
Talking about the raft ride, the raft ride was a bit slow, but the whole ride was smooth and beautiful. It of course doesn’t come for free. The cost is around Rs.40 per person back and forth, and on top of that the raft rider asks for his tip which is around Rs.10. If you still got some energy left in you to reach the top of the hill walking, you can take a 4 km trek, which is up hill all the way, otherwise you have an option of either travelling by bus or if you’re a big group then you can book yourself a cab to take you back and forth. We took the bus, again costed us Rs.40 per person.
Talking about the bus. The bus you’ll sit in looks like a wreck, a complete wreck. The seats luckily are stuck to the bus throughout but the rods, the shock observers are completely out of place. And the ride, the ride was awesome (Am being sarcastic). The uphill bus journey is’nt that tiring, it’s worse than tiring.
Once reaching the top, you got to go downwards, with the help of half broken steps or some deformed rock. Mekadatu (Translation: Goat’s Leap), I’ll cut the story short as to why this place got the name of Mekadatu. Legends say that a tiger chased a goat and the goat, with no other option, actually jumped the cliff (now known as Mekedatu) and survived reaching the other side of the river. Below the cliff runs the Cauvery River in a full force.
The second best part of this trip of mine was to go to the cliff and simply doze of there and then. Fortunately not many visitors were around at that point of time.
After having a good 45 minute sleep, I get up fresh to see the rushing waters of Cauvery flowing with brute force right below the cliff. Simply Splendid. (By the way, beware the monkeys. They are way more aggressive than the locals)
We then made our way back the same way we came. After our visit, we zipped out of there quite quickly and made our way to Chunchi Falls. Chunchi Falls is a waterfall formed by the flowing Arkavathy River. Entering Chunchi Falls Parking Lot was a splendid view amazing, awesome, words can’t explain and am not being sarcastic. For going to the actual spot, take a local person’s help and he’ll give you the time of your life. The route towards the waterfall is awesome and gives you a 1% feeling of what it is to actually trek. He showed us how to get so freaking close to the falls that me and my friend, Jishnu, could’nt resist but to take a dip in the falls. The feeling of being under a waterfall is completely inexpressible. Giving words to this feeling will actually be injustice to the whole environment. We spent around 25 minutes under the fall and then made our way out of there since we didn’t want to reach Bangalore when the skies were dark. We made our way towards the parking lot pretty quickly, paid the guide a petty amount and zoomed out of there.
We made our way back by around 5.30 PM and on our way back, we had a somewhat lunch. Once back, the other bike went separate ways and I reached home. First thing after coming home was to take a proper shower and then fall onto the bed.
Photos will be uploaded as soon as I get them.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
One Night @ the Call Centre
One Night @ the Call Centre is a novel written by Chetan Bhagat and the story revolves around 6 call centre employees and their lives. I felt the book was one of normal novels you would read and was very well written, I liked the way he expressed the issues of a call centre. Call Centre employees would have loved the book but I would say it was nothing that great or anything.
I'm back
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Places to be, Things to see : Janapada Loka , Big Banyan Tree
Last Thursday, my friend, Jishnu and I, planned to ride to Big Banyan tree located around 25 Kms from Bangalore. It was supposedly has its branches covering 3 acres of land. As we reached the Mysore Road, it was around 12 Noon. We adjusted our plans accordingly to go to the renowned restaurant called Lokaruchi ( located on the Mysore Road around 40 Kms from Bangalore) for lunch.
We reach Lokaruchi at about 12.45 PM and the first thing we do is to order the lunch which is one major delicacies of the place. We ate, ate and ate. While eating we ate like we never ate before, but after we finished with it, we were screwed. I mean heavy stomach and very sleepy.
While having lunch we felt something fishy in the neighborhood, since there was live folk music in the background. So just after lunch, we asked one of the waiters as to what was going on the other side. They were pretty happy in telling us that since that day was some festival, the next door was a folklore college called Janapada Loka which has a cultural program on special days. I was shocked actually, because I’ve been to Lokaruchi like a lot of times but never knew that there was a folklore college right next door.
Stomach full.
To enjoy our while out there, we paid a short visit to Janapada Loka. Talking about Janapada Loka, it's an amazing place to be in. The environment is lovely, and way better than the 'GARDEN CITY' Bangalore. The smell and breath of the place makes you to stay longer.
We just hanged around there, and tried keeping our eyes open since we were very sleepy after the heavy lunch, looking at the museum's and artifacts till around 3 PM. At around 3 PM a cultural show began, and the show just swept the audience of their feet. The lively music. The energetic and amazing dance. Words can't explain anything.
At around 4, when the program got over, we departed from there and made our way to the Big Banyan Tree.
The ride was wonderful. There's at least one place where good roads are there and they are on the outskirts of the city.
Reaching the big banyan tree, we were stunned. The tree’s branches actually spread around 3 acres of land. When we went there, we never understood where it started from. It was amazingly huge, unbelievable size. We stopped there for a short time and then zoomed out of there since it was getting dark.
We enjoyed the whole day, especially the opportunity to watch the cultural dance, since it's done only on special days.