The Animation Workshop which was held by ANTZ in association with the Association of Bangalore Animation had begun on the 16th of January. Few Dignitaries from the film and animation Fraternity gave their views on various issues. After the dignitaries finished their talk, they handed over the mike to the representative from ANTZ who were going to conduct the workshop. The workshop was a complete waste of time. I was sitting amidst people who had no technical knowledge of Animation. The representative's kept on speaking technical terms which no one understood which confused the audience including me. Mid way through, people started walking off. I followed their footsteps and walked off never to return.
4 day later, I heard reviews that it was a poorly conducted workshop and that there was no understanding between the people conducting the workshop. I had hopes of enlightenment from this workshop but unfortunately, it confused me of what I already knew.
Thankfully, I didn't attend the workshop and due to that I enjoyed the amazing films showcased in the FILM FEST even more.