Thursday, April 17, 2008

Vacation Time


So here I am back again typing out on my blog after a long long time and hopefully you would read this for a long time cause I have no clue as to when my next blog would be typed.

Anyways, I finished my much awaited 1st semester exam which was supposed to take place in January and now i'm 0n my VACATION. I planned out my vacation in such a way that I would be travelling through out which spaned from going to my sister's school near Sagara and back to Bangalore and going along with friends to Kerala and then back to my village. But my Kerala trip is cancelled and now with only the school and my village, its quite a small time travelling vacaction.

On my way to my sisters's school in Amtekoppa, near Sagara, I had taken a 11.00 PM bus to here from Bangalore which would supposedly reach Sagara by 6.00. It was so amazing to find out that the bus driver and the conductor din't know how to come here. Through the middle of the night, with the help of the passerby's and the milestones, they some how made it to Sagara . After touching Sagara by 7.30, they had announced that they were going to Hegodu(This place is nearer to the school). Everyone gets down at Sagara leaving me alone in the bus along with the conductor and the driver going to Hegodu. Without knowing how to come to Sagara, they took of to Hegodu, hearing the name for the first time. Again following their instincts, they head off to Hegodu. I was told that they were supposed told that the bus would pass the school on the way to hegodu but with those guys on the driver seat, I already guessed that they would'nt pass by so I told my sister that I would be there in half an hour. Lucikly we reached Hegodu by 25 minutes and a guy from the school comes and picks me up. Reaching the school, the first thing I do is a common routine as what everyone follows, i.e, brush teeth ,eat breakfast and then take bath. I find out that there a swedish girl, Clara,who had come there on her vacations and Varsha, my cousin brother's daughter, Anisha , My cousin brother's son and My sister's two kids, Vijetha and Vibha. My sister tells me to pack my bag for a day since we were going to her house for Rama Nevami( a festival celebrated in India) and the festival in her house is splendid and I had to watch it. Their house has a troop which performs a south indian folk drama, Yakshagana . I go along with them and find out the Yakshagana program starts at mid night and end in the morning. Quite amazed with their celebration, I was looking forward to it.

I don't know what happened but on this day I managed to sleep the whole while and just woke up for timly eats. God knows what happened to me on that day but I was completly frusterated with myself since I din't have a chance to get glimpse of the program. Maybe the overnight travel took a toll .

The next day we talk around with the relatives and we head back to the school and nothing pretty special on the day.

The next day I and Anisha go to a summer camp which Vibha and Varsha go to everyday. The summer camp turned out to be pretty boring cause we went there with the main intention of helping of the children who came for the camp but it turned out that we had to help the people in doing work like picking the material for the employees and stuff like that. We came back by the afternoon to the school and had lunch in the school. I went back to the summer camp area along with Clara to pick Vibha and Varsha since there was'nt any electricity and I dint know how to pass time. Going back there and waiting for them was again boring and unbearable. But we survived and so we came back.
By the way all the time we went to the summer camp area we went walking as it was only 3 to 4 kms away from the school.
I came back, played a game of cricket had some snacks and then again passed time since the electricity had not been there all along and then slept off.

So now its day 3 and am still waiting for an eventful and entralling day to come which I hope will come