Watched this movie today, and, woah!. That's all I can say about this movie. The acting was outstanding and the casting was simply outstanding. The movie proved that it was a pure bollywood movie with its massive amount of importance to the music score(after every important dialogue, there was music that would blast your ears). The consistency of how the movie started and ended with Sarkar and Sakar Raj makes a very strong statement. You can easily understand the situation without a dialogue being spoken.
The end I must say, really was the negative point of the movie. They could have easily ended with a bang, but it okay. I was thinking about another end and I have come up with one, but if I blog it right now then it will turn out into a spoiler, so I'll wait for a few more days to give out my ending.
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I would have thought Subhash shud have also been gunned down!
my end...
would be show raosab's grandson dead first to Raosab and then show the audience just cut shots of raosab's plot line. and then the end of all with the tea asked by Aish
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