Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Places to be, Things to see : Janapada Loka , Big Banyan Tree

Last Thursday, my friend, Jishnu and I, planned to ride to Big Banyan tree located around 25 Kms from Bangalore. It was supposedly has its branches covering 3 acres of land. As we reached the Mysore Road, it was around 12 Noon. We adjusted our plans accordingly to go to the renowned restaurant called Lokaruchi ( located on the Mysore Road around 40 Kms from Bangalore) for lunch.

We reach Lokaruchi at about 12.45 PM and the first thing we do is to order the lunch which is one major delicacies of the place. We ate, ate and ate. While eating we ate like we never ate before, but after we finished with it, we were screwed. I mean heavy stomach and very sleepy.

While having lunch we felt something fishy in the neighborhood, since there was live folk music in the background. So just after lunch, we asked one of the waiters as to what was going on the other side. They were pretty happy in telling us that since that day was some festival, the next door was a folklore college called Janapada Loka which has a cultural program on special days. I was shocked actually, because I’ve been to Lokaruchi like a lot of times but never knew that there was a folklore college right next door.

Stomach full.

To enjoy our while out there, we paid a short visit to Janapada Loka. Talking about Janapada Loka, it's an amazing place to be in. The environment is lovely, and way better than the 'GARDEN CITY' Bangalore. The smell and breath of the place makes you to stay longer.

We just hanged around there, and tried keeping our eyes open since we were very sleepy after the heavy lunch, looking at the museum's and artifacts till around 3 PM. At around 3 PM a cultural show began, and the show just swept the audience of their feet. The lively music. The energetic and amazing dance. Words can't explain anything.

At around 4, when the program got over, we departed from there and made our way to the Big Banyan Tree.

The ride was wonderful. There's at least one place where good roads are there and they are on the outskirts of the city.

Reaching the big banyan tree, we were stunned. The tree’s branches actually spread around 3 acres of land. When we went there, we never understood where it started from. It was amazingly huge, unbelievable size. We stopped there for a short time and then zoomed out of there since it was getting dark.

We enjoyed the whole day, especially the opportunity to watch the cultural dance, since it's done only on special days.

1 comment:

MEMOIRS said...

Hello son, nice reporting.......
Could you spell check before you publish it??
It's good to be error free.....
