Thursday, August 16, 2007

Living Without Technology

Its horrible living without technology like computer and television and even radio and I found out about this feeling while staying in the new house (which I am doing right now). Its like stuck in a jail and for me its like death. It’s just that I have always used the Internet frequently and I browse different site like Facebook, blogger. Its just quite different from everyday life, that is, living in the same neighborhood and not having any facilities like other. My parents can adjust quickly because they have been in that situation before but for me its hell. And with this thought I was just thinking that how would life be when the technology disappears all of a sudden or even if there is a chance if the theme for Die Hard 4.0(Virtual Terrorism) happens really. It’s very hard to cope up with but it might just happen within a few clicks here and there.
So, am just telling you folks out there who are stuck to the internet or any technology, It'll be a nightmare coming alive and am warning you: BE READY!!.


Somayaji Ravi said...

Hey techno-freak! Looks like technology is not the only thing that's keeping you away :D

MEMOIRS said...

Acting is what one does with skill acquired and performance is what others observe of his skills presented.