Sunday, June 3, 2007

Some matters that has to be looked on to by ME

Some matters are always has to be taken care of , but I dont take care of them . A few of theses were pointed out to me

a) Continously Blog
b) Watch myself at all times
c) Try researching on more tech stuff
d) Not to eat withh my mouth opened
e) Be pre occupied
f) Not to talk at unnecesary moments
g) Not to crack poor jokes.(I'm a genius at this)
h) Not to laze around
i) Read a lot of books and papers on topics other than sports.
j) Keep an account on my spending

This is all that I remember being told ,if there are i am going to edit this blog .

And to all blog readers , this is m6y first blog so please give your views and please dont be to bad .


Somayaji Ravi said...

Well, u dont need to do all that you're being told! Rather you need to realize that they could be good for you, if they are then its what you'd want to do!! Right :)

Unknown said...

Right ...